Whole-Body Subcellular Multicolor Imaging of Tumor-Host Interaction and Drug Response in Real Time

To noninvasively image cancer cell/stromal cell interaction in the tumor microenvironment and drug response at the cellular level in live animals in real time, we developed a new imageable three-color animal model. The model consists of green fluorescent protein (GFP)–expressing mice transplanted with dual-color cancer cells labeled with GFP in the nucleus and red fluorescent protein in the cytoplasm. The Olympus IV100 Laser Scanning Microscope, with ultra-narrow microscope objectives (“stick objectives”), is used for three-color whole-body imaging of the two-color cancer cells interacting with the GFP-expressing stromal cells. In this model, drug response of both cancer and stromal cells in the intact live animal is also imaged in real time. Various in vivo phenomena of tumor-host interaction and cellular dynamics were imaged, including mitotic and apoptotic tumor cells, stromal cells interacting with the tumor cells, tumor vasculature, and tumor blood flow. This new model system enables the first cellular and subcellular images of unperturbed tumors in the live intact animal. New visible real-time targets for novel anticancer agents are provided in this model, including the color-coded interacting cancer and stromal cells, tumor vasculature, and blood flow. This imageable model should lead to many new insights of in vivo cancer cell biology and to novel drug discovery. [Cancer Res 2007;67(11):5195–200]