Laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the ν3 fundamental band of HO2 at 9.1 μm

The ν3 fundamental band (0–0 stretch; ν0=1097.626 cm−1) of the hydroperoxyl radical HO2 has been studied using the technique of laser magnetic resonance, in which molecular transitions are tuned into resonance with fixed laser lines by means of the Zeeman effect. The HO2 was produced by reacting O atoms with methyl or allyl alcohol in a flow system incorporating an absorption cell inside the CO2 laser cavity. Over 200 resonances involving different MJ components of a‐type HO2 transitions with 1⩽N⩽7 and 0⩽Ka⩽4 were assigned, and from an analysis of the spectra the band origin and excited state rotational, centrifugal distortion, and spin–rotation interaction parameters were determined. The possible application of these results to the remote spectroscopic detection of HO2 is discussed.