Self-Care of Adults With Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Influence of Family and Friends

This study examined the relationships among the source of support, universal self-care, and health-deviation self-care behaviors in adults who control their blood glucose with oral agents. A descriptive correlational design was used. Respondents completed a total of 51 items on questionnaires. Significant differences were found between the group with family-plus-friend support and the group without support in relation to universal self-care and health-deviation self-care. A significant difference was also found between the group with family-plus-diabetes-group support and the group without support in relation to health-deviation self-care. Subjects who received support from friends in addition to family support reported higher universal and health-deviation self-care behaviors than those without support. Support systems explained 23% of variance in universal self-care and 17% of variance in health-deviation self-care.