Overpressure in treatment of meniere's disease

Influence of ambient pressure changes on the hearing levels in Meniere's disease was previously demonstrated, using a pressure chamber. The present report concerns a new method for management of Meniere's disease by local application of overpressure. The experimental background and methodologic considerations in therapy are summarized.Five illustrative cases of verified Meniere's disease are presented. The patients had advanced, nonfluctuating hearing loss and incapacitating vestibular symptoms. Long periods of remission were obtained in all cases. Improvement of hearing was a major clinical consideration in the treatment.Use of local overpressure seems to offer possibilities of improving hearing even in advanced stages of Meniere's disease. Despite the disabling pretreatment hearing loss, hearing in these 5 patients was restored to normal or serviceable levels. The follow‐up period was about 2 years from start of treatment.