Observation of the decay B^0->D+D*-

We report the first observation of the decay B^0->D+-D*-+ with the Belle detector at the KEKB e^+e^- collider operated at the Upsilon(4S) resonance. The sum of branching fractions B(B^0->D+D*-)+B(B^0->D-D*+) is measured to be (1.17+-0.26+0.22-0.25)x10^-3 using the full reconstruction method where both charmed mesons from B^0 decays are reconstructed. A consistent value ((1.48+-0.38+0.28-0.31)x10^-3) is obtained using a partial reconstruction technique that only uses the slow pion from the D*- ->bar D^0pi- decay and a fully reconstructed D+ to reconstruct the B^0.

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