Tyrosine phosphorylations in vivo associated with v-fms transformation.

The role of tyrosine-specific phosphorylation in v-fms-mediated transformation was examined by immunoblotting techniques together with a high-affinity antibody that is specific for phosphotyrosine. This antiphosphotyrosine antibody detected phosphorylated tyrosine residues on the gp140v-fms molecule, but not gP180v-fms or gp120v-fms, in v-fms-transformed cells. This antibody also identified a number of cellular proteins that were either newly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues or showed enhanced phosphorylation on tyrosine residues as a result of v-fms transformation. However, the substrates of the v-fms-induced tyrosine kinase activity were not the characterized pp60v-src substrates. The phosphorylation of some of these cellular proteins and of the gp140fms molecule was found to correlate with the ability of v-fms/c-fms hybrids to transform cells. In addition, immunoblotting with the phosphotyrosine antibody allowed a comparison to be made of the substrates phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in various transformed cell lines. This study indicates that the pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation in v-fms-transformed cells is strikingly similar to that in v-sis-transformed cells.