Characterization of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor galU and galE Mutants: Influence on Lipopolysaccharide Structure, Colonization, and Biofilm Formation

Recently we described the isolation of spontaneous bacteriophage K139-resistant Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor mutants. In this study, we identified phage-resistant isolates with intact O antigen but altered core oligosaccharide which were also affected in galactose catabolism; this strains have mutations in the galU gene. We inactivated another gal gene, galE , and the mutant was also found to be defective in the catabolism of exogenous galactose but synthesized an apparently normal lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Both gal mutants as well as a rough LPS (R-LPS) mutant were investigated for the ability to colonize the mouse small intestine. The galU and R-LPS mutants, but not the galE mutant, were defective in colonization, a phenotype also associated with O-antigen-negative mutants. By investigating several parameters in vitro, we could show that galU and R-LPS mutants were more sensitive to short-chain organic acids, cationic antimicrobial peptides, the complement system, and bile salts as well as other hydrophobic agents, indicating that their outer membrane no longer provides an effective barrier function. O-antigen-negative strains were found to be sensitive to complement and cationic peptides, but they displayed significant resistance to bile salts and short-chain organic acids. Furthermore, we found that galU and galE are essential for the formation of a biofilm in a spontaneous phage-resistant rugose variant, suggesting that the synthesis of UDP-galactose via UDP-glucose is necessary for biosynthesis of the exopolysaccharide. In addition, we provide evidence that the production of exopolysaccharide limits the access of phage K139 to its receptor, the O antigen. In conclusion, our results indicate involvement of galU in V. cholerae virulence, correlated with the observed change in LPS structure, and a role for galU and galE in environmental survival of V. cholerae .