Effect of zinc deficiency on the pregnant ewe and developing foetus

1. Mature Merino ewes were given either a low-zinc diet (4 mg/kg) or an adequate-Zn diet (50 mg/kg) for all or part of pregnancy.2. The ewes consuming the low-Zn diet consumed 25% less feed than those given the adequate-Zn diet during the last 115 d of pregnancy.3.Zn concentration in the plasma of Zn-deficient pregnant ewes declined from 0·7 to 0·3 mg/1.4. The lambs born to Zn-deficient ewes weighed less and had reduced concentrations ofZn or less total Zn, or both, in the whole carcass, liver and pancreas.5. A reduction in activity of alkaline phosphatase (EC3.1.3.1) in the liver and a slight reduction in thymidine kinase (EC2.7.1.21) activity in the thymus was also observed in Zn-deficient lambs.6. The Zn-deficient ewes deposited approximately 63 mg Zn into each single-born lamb;this indicates that during the last third of pregnancy the developing foetuses were accumulating the equivalent of 35% of the total dietary Zn intake of the ewes.