On behalf of the Umweltbundesamt the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft has developed a software system (SAR-system) comprising more than 90 estimation models for endpoints relevant in environmental risk assessment. These estimation models are based on the approach of quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). All models were checked for their validity and application range. In the last months the Umweltbundesamt started to test the applicability of some models concerning the endpoints fish acute toxicity, daphnia acute toxicity and ready (i.e., ultimate) biodegradability in the daily routine of the notification procedure. For testing these models the corresponding confidential data given in the dossiers of substances notified 1993 in Germany, were used. We were able to make calculations for 36% of the notified substances. For the remaining 64% of the chemicals it was impossible to accomplish SAR estimations due to several reasons, e.g., ionic structure of the compounds. Different results for the applicability of the mentioned endpoints are obtained. The predictions of the fish and Daphnia toxicity are in sufficient agreement with the experimental results, in case of the fish toxicity we receive 58% agreement, for the Daphnia toxicity 56% The corresponding values which were obtained in the US EPA/E.C. Joint Project on the evaluation of (quantitative) structure activity relationships were 82.3% and 70.9% About 300 different models were used for the calculations of these endpoints within the framework of the EPA/EC project. The SAR-system presented here contains 8 models for estimating the fish toxicity and 6 models for the Daphnia toxicity. For the prediction of the biodegradability the results obtained with the SAR-system are rather poor and have to be improved. Meanwhile the SAR-system is commercially available and can be ordered at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Schmallenberg (Germany).