Opioid supplementation during propofol anaesthesia

Sixty patients of ASA grade 1 or 2 who presented for minor daycase gynaecological or urological procedures were randomly allocated to three groups. Group A received fentanyl 1 microgram/kg and Group B alfentanil 5 micrograms/kg prior to induction. Group C received no pre-induction opioid. anaesthesia was induced intravenously with propofol and maintained using nitrous oxide 67% in oxygen supplemented with 20-mg bolus doses of propofol as required. The pre-induction administration of fentanyl or alfentanil was not found significantly to affect either the doses of propofol required for induction or maintenance or the quality of anaesthesia compared with propofol alone. These results suggest that for minor outpatient procedures under general anaesthesia, the concomitant use of a short-acting opioid confers no benefits over propofol with oxide and oxygen alone.