Effects of halothane and isoflurane on mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate in adult Pekin ducks

SUMMARY Although the cardiovascular and respiratory effects of halothane and isoflurane have been documented in a variety of common mammalian laboratory animals, they have not been investigated in birds. In this study, the effects of halothane and isoflurane anesthesia on respiratory rate, heart rate, heart rhythm, and mean arterial pressure in adult Pekin ducks were evaluated. Both anesthetics significantly increased heart rate and depressed blood pressure and respiration. Halothane induced a more profound alteration in heart rate and respiratory rate. With the ducks under halothane anesthesia, abnormal cardiac rhythms included ventricular fibrillation, ventricular bigeminy, and multifocal ventricular rhythms. Other than cardiac tachycardia, isoflurane induced no changes in cardiac rhythm.