Absolute measurements of photon energy spectra (keV-1 sr-1 mA-1 s-1) from a clinical CT machine have been performed under normal working conditions (140 mA tube current) using a Compton spectrometer. The inaccuracy of the measured spectra is estimated to be +or-6%, determined by uncertainties in dead-time corrections and in the parameters of the geometrical set-up. Absorbed doses measured in thermoluminescent LiF dosemeters agree within this uncertainty with calculated ones derived from measured spectra (80 kVp, 120 kVp and 140 kVp) and tabulated mass energy absorption coefficients for LiF. Comparison with tabulated energy spectra from the literature clearly shows the effect of the extremely small anode angle (7') in the CT machine (15' and 17' for the tabulated energy spectra).