The antirepressor of phage P1 Isolation and interaction with the C1 repressor of P1 and P7

Two antirepressor proteins, Ant1 and Ant2, of molecular weight 42 and 32 kDa, respectively, are encoded by P1 as a single open reading frame, with the smaller protein initiating at an in-frame start codon. Another open reading frame, icd, 5′ upstream of and overlapping ant1 is required for ant1 expression. Using appropriate ant gene-carrying plasmids we have overproduced and purified Ant½ in the form of a protein complex and Ant2 as a single protein. Sequence analysis confirmed the N-terminal amino acids predicted from the DNA sequence of ant1/ant2, except that the N-terminal methionine is missing in the Ant2 protein. Under appropriate conditions the C1 repressors of phages P1 and P7 specifically co-precipitate with the Ant½ complex but not with Ant2 protein alone. The results suggest that the antirepressor may exert its C1-inactivating function by a direct protein—protein interaction.