A fracture model for a weak interface in a viscoelastic material (small scale yielding analysis)

The problem of adhesion at the interface between two polymers is investigated using a fracture mechanics approach. The effect of viscoelastic deformation of the bulk polymers and the micromechanical behavior of the interface on the fracture toughness of the interface was investigated by analyzing the problem of a steadily growing interface crack under the condition of small scale yielding. This condition assumes that the region of displacement discontinuity across the interface (the adhesive zone) due to loss of adhesion is small compared with typical specimen dimensions. It is found that the amount of inelastic or viscous energy dissipation is strongly coupled to the interface behavior and that the measured interface fracture toughness can be much higher than the intrinsic interface fracture toughness. For sufficiently high crack growth rates, a simple expression is obtained which relates the rate of viscous energy dissipation and the intrinsic interface fracture toughness to the viscoelastic properties of the bulk polymer. The dependence of the stress field inside the adhesive zone and the length of the adhesive zone on the viscoelastic properties of the polymer, the applied loading, the interface micromechanical model and the crack growth rate ȧ is obtained by numerically solving an integral equation. The size of the region of the viscoelastic energy dissipation is found to scale with ȧτr , where τr is the retardation time of the bulk polymer.