Low-Dispersion Turns and Junctions for Microchannel Systems

Numerical methods are employed to optimize the geometry of two-dimensional microchannel turns such that the turn-induced spreading of a solute band is minimized. An inverted numerical method is first developed to compute the electric potential and local species motion in turns of arbitrary geometry. The turn geometry is then optimized by means of a nonlinear least-squares minimization algorithm using the spatial variance of the species distribution leaving the turn as the object function. This approach yields the turn geometry producing the minimum possible dispersion, subject only to prescribed constraints. The resulting low-dispersion turns provide an induced variance 2−3 orders of magnitude below that of a comparable conventional turns. Sample results are presented for 180 and 90° turns, and the use of these turns to form wyes and tees is discussed. A sample 45° wye is presented. The use of low-dispersion turns in folding separation columns is also discussed, and sample calculations are presented for folding a column 100 μm in width and up to 900 mm in length onto a region of only 10 by 10 mm. These low-dispersion geometries are applicable to electroosmosis, electrophoresis, and some pressure-driven flows.