Two largely separate populations of neuropeptide‐containing striatonigral projection neurons have been distinguished in pigeons, one population whose neurons contain substance P (SP) and dynorphin (DYN) and a second population whose neurons contain enkephalin (ENK) (Reiner, '86a; Anderson and Reiner, 90a). In the present study, we investigated the abundance of these two types of neurons relative to all striatonigral projection neurons by combining retrograde labeling by the fluorescent dye fluorogold with immunofluorescence labeling for SP and ENK. Pigeons received large intranigral injections of fluorogold to retrogradely label the striatonigral projection neurons, and several days later they were treated with colchicine (32 hours before transcardial perfusion). Adjacent series of sections through the basal ganglia were labeled for SP and ENK using immunofluorescence techniques. The tissue was examined using fluorescence microscopy and the percentages of retrogradely labeled neurons containing either SP or ENK were quantified. We found that 85–95% of the fluorogold‐labeled striatonigral neurons were SP+, whereas only 1–4% were ENK+. Thus the majority of striatonigral projection neurons in pigeons appear to contain SP, whereas a small percentage contain ENK. Only a small percentage of striatonigral neurons did not contain either. Since striatal projection neurons also contain GABA (Reiner, '86b), the present results suggest that a high percentage of striatonigral projection neurons coexpress SP, DYN and GABA, whereas a small fraction coexpress ENK and GABA. The available data are consistent with the conclusion that this is true in reptilian and mammalian species as well.