To prove the statement given in the title take a set Σ1 of identities characterizing distributive lattices 〈L; ∨, ∧, 0, 1〉 with 0 and 1, and let Then is Σ redundant set of identities characterizing Stone algebras = 〈L; ∨, ∧, *, 0, 1〉. To show that we only have to verify that for aL, a* is the pseudo-complement of a. Indeed, aa* 0; now, if ax = 0, then a* ∨ x* 0* = 1, and a** ∧ = 1* = 0; since a** is the complement of a*, the last identity implies x** ≦ a*, thus xx** ≦ a*, which was to be proved.

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