Production of a stream shredder, Peltoperla maria (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) in disturbed and undisturbed hardwood catchments

SUMMARY. (1) The average benthic density of Peltoperla maria in an undisturbed southern Appalachian stream was more than twice that of a nearby stream draining a previously clear‐cul catchment in its tenth year of natural secondary succession.(2) Peltoperla production estimates, using three methods, do not show a significant difference in production between streams draining the two catchments. We attribute these results to quicker growth and slightly higher densities of larger nymphs in the disturbed stream. Production estimates for the disturbed stream ranged from 498 to 560 mg (ash free dry weight) m−2y−1 while those for the undisturbed stream were 41–4–515 mg m−2 y−1.(3) Our results reinforce the view that conclusions based solely upon numerical densities may lead to erroneus interpretations about the roles organisms play in ecosystems.(4) Annual frass production by this shredder is about 20 times (10 g m−2 y−1) the secondary production of P. maria.