Changes in Integrin and E-Cadherin Expression in Neoplastic Versus Normal Thyroid Tissue

The functional organization of polarized epithelia depends mostly on adhesion molecules belonging to the integrin and cadherin families. These molecules either recognize basement membrane components, such as laminins, or form intercellular junctions via homotypic interactions. Such tissue organization is often disrupted upon neoplastic transformation, and the resulting loss of functional polarization and cell cohesion might be a prerequisite for the invasive and metastatic behavior of carcinomas. We studied modifications of thyroid adhesive mechanisms at various stages of neoplastic progression in terms of adhesion molecule expression, topography, and functional regulation by tyrosine kinases. Starting from this working hypothesis, we sought to identify one or more biological markers that would be suggestive of malignant transformation and poorer prognosis and that could be developed as a reliable indicator(s) in early diagnostic steps. The study was carried out on both surgical samples and the corresponding fine-needle aspiration biopsy smears (numbers of specimens collected: 19 adenomas, seven follicular carcinomas, 13 papillary carcinomas, and 39 normal tissues). Immunohistochemistry of tissue sections and smears and immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis of protein extracts were done with a battery of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Northern blotting was performed on RNA extracts from frozen tissue samples and use of an intergrin subunit β 4 complementary DNA probe. Our findings can be summarized as follows: 1) In normal thyroid cells, the cooperative role of integrin α 6 β 4 and laminin 5/kalinin in hemidesmosome-mediated adhesion is missing, and recognition of the basal lamina occurs via integrin α 3 β 1 and laminin 1 and/or 2 (this pattern being maintained in adenomas but altered in carcinomas regardless of their histotype or differentiation grade); 2) only in carcinomas with clinical and/or histologic aggressiveness do neoexpression of integrin subunit β 4 and loss of laminin 2/merosin occur, indicating denovo assembly of integrin α 6 β 4 ; 3) pericellular redistribution and cytoskeletal disconnection of the E-cadherin-catenin complex occur; and 4) basal E-cadherin tyrosine phosphorylation decreases in carcinomas as compared with that in normal and adenomatous tissues. The malignant progression of thyroid tumors involves marked rearrangements of cell-basement membrane and cell—cell adhesion molecules and changes in their cytoskeleton linkage. These rearrangements are also easily and reproducibly detected on fine-needle aspiration biopsy smears. Immunodetection of adhesion molecules in sections and/or fine-needle smears may complement the toolbox of thyroid surgical pathologists; it may expand the possibilities of achieving a correct early diagnosis of thyroid tumors and of gaining some prognostic information on thyroid tumors. [J Natl Cancer Inst 1996;88:442–9]

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