A stable porcine kidney epithelial cell line, FS-L3, was established and maintained in Eagle’s minimum essential medium containing 0.295% tryptose phosphate broth, 0.5% Bacto Peptone, and 10 mM N, N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid without any serum. The mode of chromosomes is 37 to 38. The FS-L3 cells formed fluid-filled, multicellular, three-dimensional domes on a single monolayer. The number of domes increased markedly after further cultivation. The origin of this cell line was confirmed as porcine by hybridization using PRE-1, which can be detected as a specific sequence in the porcine genome. It was also found that FS-L3 cells were free from possible adventitious viruses and mycoplasmas.