The clinical entity now known as angioid streaks was first described and illustrated by Doyne, in 1889. Unaware of this description Plange reported a second case in 1891, in theArchiv für Augenheilkunde, and when this article appeared in theArchives of OphthalmologyKnapp published a third case. In the latter article, "On the Formation of Dark Angioid Streaks as an Unusual Metamorphosis of Retinal Hemorrhage," the striations received their enduring name angioid, which is derived from a Greek root meaning vessel-like. In 1927 Holloway collected 58 cases of angioid streaks from the literature and presented the first composite picture of the disease. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum of the skin, which was described by Balzer in 1884 and named by Darier in 1896, was first noted in connection with an unknown retinal condition in 1903 by Hallopeau and Laffitte. These authors suggested the possibility of a connection between the two conditions. This