Weight Gain, Feed Utilization and Bone and Liver Mineral Composition of Pigs Fed High or Normal Ca-P Diets from Weaning to Slaughter Weight

One hundred and twenty mycoplasma pneumonia-free Yorkshire weanling pigs were divided randomly at 4 to 6 weeks of age into two groups fed a high (1.2% Ca, 1.0% P) Ca-P or normal (.5% Ca., .4% P) Ca-P corn-soybean meal-type diet to slaughter at approximately 90 kg live weight to determine the effect of dietary Ca-P level on weight gain, feed utilization and mineral content of bone and liver. There was no significant effect of Ca-P level on weight gain, efficiency of feed utilization or on retention of Ca, Co, Cu, Mg, Mn or Zn in bone or liver. Fe content of radius-ulna was decreased (P<.05) by high Ca. Ash content of radius-ulna from pigs fed 1.2% Ca-1,0% P tended to be higher than that of radius-ulna from pigs fed .5% Ca-.4% P. The lack of change in bone and liver concentrations of Mg, Co, Cu, Mn or Zn of pigs fed high Ca-P diets suggests that major changes in body stores of required trace elements are not likely as a result of high-Ca-P feeding if dietary levels are at or above N.R.C. recommendations. Copyright © 1975. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1975 by American Society of Animal Science.