Complementation of Adeno-Associated Satellite Virus (AAV) by Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of Adenovirus Type 31

Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of human adenovirus type 31 were able to complement adeno-associated satellite virus (AAV) antigen production in HEK [human embryonic kidney] and KB [human oral carcinoma] cells at permissive and non-permissive temperatures. Mutant ts 94, an adenovirus 31 mutant which produces apparently normal amounts of structural protein and DNA but is defective in maturation, was significantly inhibited in its ability to potentiate AAV infectivity at the non-permissive temperature. Normal AAV DNA and adenovirus DNA were isolated from co-infections with AAV and mutant ts 94 at the non-permissive temperature. An adenovirus-coded maturation function common to adenovirus and AAV maturation is apparently defective in the ts 94 system.

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