Hydrolysis of exogenous phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) to 1,2-diacylglycerol by rat liver plasma membranes was stimulated by oleate concentrations as low as 0.1 mM. In the presence of 75 mM ethanol, the fatty acid also enhanced phosphatidylethanol (PtdEtOH) formation from PtdCho. These effects were also observed with linoleate and arachidonate, but not with saturated fatty acids or detergents, and were minimal in microsomes or mitochondria. Release of [3H]choline form exogenous Ptd[3H]Cho was stimulated by oleate, whereas phosphory1[3H]choline formation was inhibited. Oleate and other unsaturated, but not saturated, fatty acids also stimulated the conversion of exogenous [14C]phosphatidic acid to [14C]diacylglycerol. These data are consistent with stimulatory effects of these fatty acids on both phospholipase D and phosphatidate phosphohydrolase in liver plasma membranes. The stimulatory effect of guanosine 5′-O-[3-thio]triphosphate) (20 μM) on PtdEtOH and diacylglycerol formation from PtdCho was enhanced by low concentration of oleate. Phospholipase A2 also stimulated PtdEtOH and diacylglycerol formation from exogenous PtdCho. It is proposed that unsaturated fatty acids may play a physiological role in the regulation of diacylglycerol production through activation of phospholipase D and phosphatidate phosphohydrolase.