This pediatric case report is presented for the interest involved in the cure of an apparently hopeless case of an acute and overwhelming meningococcemia and for the therapy instituted. REPORT OF A CASE D. M., a 4-year-old white girl, was admitted to the children's pavilion of the Jewish hospital, service of Dr. Robert A. Schless, on Dec. 23, 1950. She had been well until two weeks prior to admission, when she had a severe upper-respiratory-tract infection, from which she recovered completely in a few days. Early in the morning of the day of admission she awoke and was feverish and irritable, and she drowsed all afternoon. By 4 p. m. she was semistuporous. She was referred to this hospital when the attending physician was called and found a generalized petechial rash. On admission the patient was seen to be an acutely ill, semicomatose, lethargic, and irrational child lying limply in