Evidence for the validity and utility of the Stages of Exercise Behaviour Change scale in young adults

This study examined the validity and utility of the Stages of Exercise Behaviour Change (SEBC) scale in 244 young British adults. One-way ANOVA revealed significant differences (F < 7.34, P > 0.01) between the Exercise Behaviour Change Categories of Precontemplation/Contemplation (n = 49), Preparation (n equals 87) and Action/Maintenance (n = 108) in self-report levels of exercise behaviour. Significant differences (F > 3.14, P < 0.05) were also revealed in exercise self-efficacy, physical self-perception sub-domains and global self-esteem scores. Subsequent step-wise discriminant analyses revealed that discrimination between the Categories of Exercise Behaviour Change was possible on the basis of selected behavioural and psychological parameters (Canonical r equals 0.76−0.82, Wilks' lambda = 0.30−0.33, χ2 = 60.3−94.6, d.f. = 14, P < 0.0001). In both males and females, the most dominant discriminatory variables in the first Function were revealed to be perceived physical conditioning and ‘strenuous’ exercise behaviour. For males, the second Function comprised exercise self-efficacy and perceived bodily attractiveness, whilst for females it comprised perceived bodily attractiveness, perceived sports competence and perceived physical strength. Subsequent cross-validation analysis, using a randomly selected 40% sub-sample, revealed that 67.8−70.7% of subjects were assigned to the correct Category. These results appear to confirm the concurrent validity of the SEBC scale in terms of self-report of exercise behaviour. Furthermore, the utility of the SEBC scale was demonstrated via the ability to predict membership of specific Categories of Exercise Behaviour Change using a selection of behavioural and psychological parameters.

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