The examinations were made in grown up rabbits of different races in a right to left attempt. A defect like a slot was placed transcondyloid and sagittal by an osteotomy in the condyle of the femur. The fixation of the condyle was performed by a screw poled as kathode. The anode was planted in the extensor muscles of the femur. Direct current from a battery on the neck of the rabbit was running subcutan by stranded wires. The stimulation was performed by direct current of 10 and 17,5 microamperes for two, three and four weeks. The quantitative survey of 44 pairs of bone showed a significant acceleration of bonegrowth by direct current indicated by a higher weight of the new grown bone in the osteotomy slot. The bones, stimulated by 10 and 17,5 microamperes showed no significant differences among themselves. Possible reasons leading to bonegrowth are discussed.