Collective flux creep in high-Tcsuperconductors

We develop a scaling approach to flux-line pinning in high-Tc superconductors. Our main result is a nonlinear relation V(jex)∼exp(-Cjexμ) between the voltage V and the external current density jex, where the exponent μ is related to the roughness exponent and has been estimated in an earlier paper [T. Nattermann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2454 (1990)]. For the low-frequency ac resistivity we find two contributions ρ1(ω)∼ω2[1-(T/T*)lnωτ0 ]4/ψ and ρ2(ω)∼ω[1-(T/T*)lnωτ0 ]2/ψ, where ψ≊1 in three dimensions, and where T* is a characteristic temperature. Similar power laws are obtained for the dynamic susceptibility χ’ ’(ω), whereas the magnetization due to the change of the applied field varies in time as (lnt)1/μ.