Order and disorder in pure and dopedKTaO3: ATa181NMR study

Measurements of quadrupolar effects on the NMR spectrum and of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation T1 are reported for Ta181 in pure and weakly Nb-, Li-, and Na-doped KTaO3 crystals. A new effect related to the KTaO3 host lattice is observed in the line-shape measurements indicating that below 40 K the Ta ions are in a local noncubic symmetry on a time scale longer than 107 sec. The off-center displacement of the Ta ion is estimated to 0.04 Å. In KTa1x Nbx O3 the Ta181 and Nb93 T11 data near the transition temperature Tc confirm the existence of a collective ordering of the Nb ions. The Nb displacement below Tc is estimated to be less than 0.15 Å. Moreover, the Ta181 line shape is consistent with a nonuniform distortion of the host lattice around each Nb ion below Tc. The NMR results in K1x Lix TaO3 are in agreement with the usual picture of an order-disorder transition dominated by the Li-ion hopping.