The static, wave‐vector dependent spin susceptibility of the 4d electrons of Pd interacting via screened Coulomb forces is calculated within the framework of a model which includes quantitative effects of band structure and of momentum dependence of the interaction matrix elements. For the band structure we use a tight‐binding scheme adjusted to fit Fermi surface data and apw calculations. The exchange enhancement is obtained in the rpa by summing the ladder diagrams describing particle‐hole multiple scattering via a short‐ranged potential. The calculated susceptibility may be fit at long wavelengths to yield a Yukawa form in real space. For a given Stoner enhancement factor (S) the resulting range parameter is approximately 3 times as large as that obtained from a single spherical band model for Pd with a contact‐exchange interaction. With S = 20, the present calculation gives a range parameter of 4 Å, in reasonable agreement with Pd (Fe) neutron‐scattering data [T. J. Hicks, T. M. Holden, and G. G. Low, J. Phys. C 1, 528 (1968)].

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