Measurement ofp¯pElastic Scattering ats=52.8GeV at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings

The small-angle elastic scattering for pp at s=23.5, 30.7, and 52.8 GeV and for p¯p at s=52.8 GeV are measured. The data are normalized on Coulomb scattering. Using the optical theorem and the best estimate of the real part of the forward scattering amplitude, ρ(pp¯)=0.1, we obtain σtot(p¯p)=44.1±2.9 mb for the total cross section and b(p¯p)=13.6±2.2 GeV2 for the nuclear slope parameter. This supports the dispersion relation prediction that σtot(p¯p) will start to rise above Elab200 GeV.