Composite control of cell function: metabolic pathways behaving as single control units

This paper shows that under some conditions the control exerted by a part of a metabolic network (a pathway) on a flux or concentration in any other part can be described through a single (overall) control coefficient. This has the following implications: (i) the relative contributions of a pathway enzyme to the regulation of the pathway (output) flux and of any flux or concentration outside are identical; therefore, the control analysis of the pathway 'in isolation' allows one to determine the control exerted by any pathway enzyme on the rest of the cell by estimation of the control efficient of just one, arbitrarily chosen enzyme; (ii) the relative control of any two metabolic variables outside the pathway (measured as the ratio of the control coefficients over these two variables outside) is the same for all pathway enzymes. These properties allow one to substitute effectively a pathway by a single (super)reaction and make it possible to consider such a pathway as a metabolic unit within the cellular enzyme network.