Records of sea-surface temperature, cloudiness and wind are investigated for eight ocean areas along the shipping lane between Europe and South America. There was a gradual increase in temperature over most of the tropical Atlantic between 1922 and 1938 (Bullig, 1954). The total warming over the 17-yr period varied between 0.6C and 0.9C and was strongest at latitude 7N. In the vicinity of the Cape Verde Islands, the strength of the northerly wind component decreased by about 0.8 m sec−1. Off the central Brazilian coast, the amount of cloud cover decreased by 5 to 7 per cent. The power spectra of temperature, cloudiness and wind anomalies are investigated for the frequency range between zero and six cycles per year. It is found that most of the power of temperature anomalies is concentrated at low frequencies and that there are no periodicities. A significant and inverse relation between temperature and wind anomalies is found in the NE trade-wind region. Along the Brazilian coast there is a direct relation between temperature and north wind anomalies, and an inverse relation between temperature and cast wind anomalies. No significant relation exists between temperature and cloudiness anomalies.

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