Of increasing interest to educational researchers is the process of learning to teach and the role that teacher education plays. The teacher-socialization program of research has provided the most inclusive theoretical structure for such investigation. Unfortunately, this program has been discouraging. The outcomes indicate (a) a survival-oriented approach to teaching of the preservice student and (b) limited positive influence of teacher education on this development. Fortunately, evidence has emerged that poses a more encouraging, progressive view. This evidence stems from classroom research on the development of preservice students' perspectives on teaching. The purpose of this article is to review the outcomes from this literature and to identify possible implications for physical education teacher education (PETE). This paper focuses on four dimensions: (a) an overview of the construct of teacher perspectives, (b) the characteristics of the more progressive perspectives of the teacher education students, (c) the features of the teacher education program that influence those perspectives, and (d) possible implications for PETE. A caveat is included in this latter section that cautions generalizing outcomes from research in the classroom areas to physical education.