A scheme for simulating radar-estimated rainfall fields is described. The scheme uses a two-dimensional stochastic space–time model of rainfall events and a parameterization of drop-size distribution. Based on the statistically generated drop-size distribution, radar observables, namely, radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity, are calculated. The simulated measurable variables are corrupted with random measurement error to account for radar measurement process. Subsequently, radar observables are used in rainfall estimation. Generated fields of the simulated rainfall and the corresponding radar observables are presented. Rainfall estimates from radar simulations are also presented. Use of the described radar-data simulator is envisioned in those applications where the effects of radar rainfall errors are of interest. Abstract A scheme for simulating radar-estimated rainfall fields is described. The scheme uses a two-dimensional stochastic space–time model of rainfall events and a parameterization of drop-size distribution. Based on the statistically generated drop-size distribution, radar observables, namely, radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity, are calculated. The simulated measurable variables are corrupted with random measurement error to account for radar measurement process. Subsequently, radar observables are used in rainfall estimation. Generated fields of the simulated rainfall and the corresponding radar observables are presented. Rainfall estimates from radar simulations are also presented. Use of the described radar-data simulator is envisioned in those applications where the effects of radar rainfall errors are of interest.