Sleep and Depression in Cancer Caregivers

A cross-sectional, correlational design was used to describe and explore the relation between caregiver sleep and depression. For the study, 51 caregivers were recruited from two sites in southern California. Caregivers were primarily white (84%), female (80%), spouses (61%), or adult children (29%), who had provided care for a mean of 16 hours per day for an average of 2 years. The Center for Epidemiological Studies—Depression (CES-D) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used to measure caregiver depression and sleep, respectively. Most of the caregivers (95%) expressed severe sleep problems, and more than half of them were experiencing depressive symptoms at a level that would suggest risk for clinical depression. Correlations were strongest between caregiver depression and the sleep subscales of overall quality (r = 0.70;p r