Daily urinary excretion of estrone, estradiol-17 and estriol was investigated in oophorectomized women before and after a single intramuscular injection of PEP. The chemical estimation of the estrogens involved ether extraction of acid hydrolyzed urine, a phase change purification procedure depending on methylation of the phenolic hydroxyl group, chromatographic separation of the estrogen methyl ethers on partially deactivated alumina columns and an improved Kober-color reaction. A single intermuscular injection of 40 or 80 mg of PEP resulted in a greatly increased excretion lasting for 2 days followed by a period of 4-6 weeks duration in which urinary estrogen excretion was maintained at a relatively constant level, comparable to that found in normally menstruating women. One PEP preparation was freed from low molecular weight materials by prolonged dialysis. A single injection of 160 mg of this preparation resulted in an increased excretion of urinary estrogens for 4 months. Using this preparation there was no initial pronounced increase observed with the other preparations of PEP.