Quantum stochastic models of two-level atoms and electromagnetic cross sections

Quantum stochastic differential equations have been used to describe the dynamics of an atom interacting with the electromagnetic field via absorption/emission processes. Here, by using the full quantum stochastic Schrödinger equation proposed by Hudson and Parthasarathy, we show that such models can be generalized to include other processes into the interaction. In the case of a two-level atom we construct a model on the basis of some physical requirements, the main being a balance equation on the fluxes of the ingoing and outgoing photons; in this model the atom-field interaction turns out to be due either to absorption/emission processes either to direct scattering processes, which simulate the interaction due to virtual transitions to the levels which have been eliminated from the description. To see the effects of the new terms, we consider both direct and heterodyne detection of the fluorescence light emitted by an atom stimulated by a monochromatic coherent laser and we deduce from these two detection schemes the expressions of the total, elastic and inelastic electromagnetic cross sections and the spectral distribution of the fluorescence light. The total cross section, as a function of the frequency of the stimulating laser, can present not only a Lorentzian shape, but the full variety of Fano profiles; intensity dependent widths and shifts are obtained. The fluorescence spectrum can present complicated shapes, according to the values of the various parameters; when the direct scattering is not important the usual symmetric triplet structure of the Mollow spectrum appears (for high intensity of the stimulating laser), while a strong contribution of the direct scattering process can distort such a triplet structure or can even make it to disappear.
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