131 I Hippuran Quantitative Scintillation Camera Studies in the Evaluation and Management of Vesicoureteral Reflux

A study was made of 136 patients with vesicoureteral reflux with the conventional radiologic modalities of voiding cystourethrography and IVP. In addition, a 30-minute quantitative scintillation camera study was used. Comparison of these studies indicates that most periodic re-evaluations with IVP can be eliminated in favor of the scintillation study with its markedly reduced radiation dosage and lack of allergic type reactions. Unfortunately, as the quantitative scintillation camera study has been performed in these patients, it has been impossible to diagnose the presence of vesicoureteral reflux. Therefore, voiding cystourethrography or direct radionuclide cystography must be repeated at some time to determine if conservative management has been successful. The benefit of the routine use of the quantitative scintillation camera study in the early postoperative period seems to be strongly supported even by the small group of patients studied.