Values of the total ozone content of an atmospheric column are estimated from the simulated five-wave-length measurements of the intensity of radiation backscattered by a horizontally homogeneous earth-atmosphere system along the nadir direction, and after making use of an estimation procedure similar to the one developed by Mateer et al. (1971) for obtaining total ozone values from the backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) spectrometer data aboard the Nimbus 4 satellite. Model atmospheres with different ozone contents and with different kinds of aerosols but with a fixed surface pressure (1000 mb) are assumed to rest on a Lambert surface of 0.2 reflectivity. In general, estimated ozone amounts are found to differ significantly from the corresponding input to the models with the difference between these two values depending on several factors such as solar zenith angle, aerosol parameters and the wavelength pair used in the estimation. For an aerosol attenuation optical thickness of about 0.2 at 0.3800 μ... Abstract Values of the total ozone content of an atmospheric column are estimated from the simulated five-wave-length measurements of the intensity of radiation backscattered by a horizontally homogeneous earth-atmosphere system along the nadir direction, and after making use of an estimation procedure similar to the one developed by Mateer et al. (1971) for obtaining total ozone values from the backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) spectrometer data aboard the Nimbus 4 satellite. Model atmospheres with different ozone contents and with different kinds of aerosols but with a fixed surface pressure (1000 mb) are assumed to rest on a Lambert surface of 0.2 reflectivity. In general, estimated ozone amounts are found to differ significantly from the corresponding input to the models with the difference between these two values depending on several factors such as solar zenith angle, aerosol parameters and the wavelength pair used in the estimation. For an aerosol attenuation optical thickness of about 0.2 at 0.3800 μ...