The endosperm of the African blood lily H. Katherinae Bak. follows the helobial pattern of development in which 2 chambers of endosperm are formed. In the earliest observed stage of development a large micropylar chamber and a smaller dome-shaped chalazal chamber of endosperm are present. Both are coenocytic and contain wall ingrowths of the transfer cell type along the embryo sac wall. Freely growing walls grow centripetally from the embryosac wall, branch, and eventually meet, forming a layer of cells along the embryo sac wall. This process occurs first in the micropylar chamber. After 4 or more layers of endosperm cells are present, phragmoplasts form in association with karyokinesis and give rise to cross walls situated between the freely growing walls. When 10 or more layers of endosperm cells are present, free wall-less cells are present in the central vacuole near the edge of the cellular endosperm of the micropylar chamber. The free cells originate from mitosis of nuclei at the inner wall-less edge of the endosperm and the subsequent pinching off and release of the free cells into the large central vacuole. The free cells may undergo karyokinesis and become binucleate. The chalazal chamber of endosperm also becomes cellular by means of freely growing walls.