A correlative ultrastructural and enzymatic study of cotyledonary microbodies following germination of fat-storing seeds

Sunflower, cucumber, and tomato cotyledons, which contain microbodies in both the early lipid-degrading and the later photosynthetic stages of post-germinative growth, were processed for electron microscopy according to conventional procedures and examined 1, 4 and 7 days after germination. Homogenates of sunflower cotyledons were assayed for enzymes characteristic of glyoxysomes and leaf peroxisomes (both of which are defined morphologically as microbodies) at stages corresponding to the fixations for electron microscopy. The particulate nature of these enzymes was demonstrated by differential and equilibrium density centrifugation, making it possible to relate them to the microbodies seen in situ. One day after germination, the microbodies are present as small organelles among large numbers of protein and lipid storage bodies; the cell homogenate contains catalase but no detectable isocitrate lyase (characteristic of glyoxysomes) or glycolic acid oxidase (characteristic of leaf peroxisomes). 4 days after germination, numerous microbodies (glyoxysomes) are in extensive and frequent contact with lipid bodies. The microbodies often have cytoplasmic invaginations. At this stage the cells are rapidly converting lipids to carbohydrates, and the homogenate has high isocitrate lyase activity. 7 days after germination, microbodies (peroxisomes) are appressed to chloroplasts and frequently squeezed between them in the green photosynthetic cells. The homogenate at this stage has substantial glycolic acid oxidase activity but a reduced level of isocitrate lyase. It is yet to be determined whether the peroxisomes present at day 7 are derived from preexisting glyoxysomes or arise as a separate population of organelles.