Mammary Tumour Inhibition and Subacute Toxicity in Rats of Prednimustine and of Its Molecular Components Chlorambucil and Prednisolone

Prednimustine, a chlorambucil ester of prednisolone, retarded growth of DMBA[7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene]-induced mammary tumors in rats and reduced the number of tumors. A combination of chlorambucil and prednisolone (C+P) in the same proportion as in prednimustine, had similar effects, 8 and 16 mg/kg of the C+P combination being equipotent to 16 and 64 mg per kg of prednimustine, respectively. The mortality figures suggested that prednimustine was considerably less toxic than equipotent doses of C+P. This toxicity difference was confirmed in a parallel investigation of the subacute toxicity in rats of prednimustine and C+P. Mortality, reduction of lymphocytes and platelets and bone marrow depression was lower after prednimustine than after equimolar amounts of the C+P combination. The results suggest that the low toxicity of prednimustine makes this drug a better cytostatic agent than the C+P combination treatment.