Mapping of the mouse X chromosome using random genomic probes and an interspecific mouse cross.

Two libraries enriched in murine X chromosome material have been constructed in the lambda vector NM 1149 from flow‐sorted chromosomes. Inserts of unique genomic sequence DNA were purified and their X chromosome specificity characterised by hybridisation to a panel of somatic cell hybrid lines. Of the first five such X chromosome‐specific probes characterised, all detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between inbred mouse laboratory strains such as C57BL/6 and BALB/c and the SPE/Pas mouse strain established from a wild Mus spretus mouse, when their DNAs are digested with the restriction enzyme TaqI. Taking advantage of these RFLPs, all five probes have been localised on the X chromosome using an interspecific backcross between the B6CBARI and SPE/Pas mouse strains segregating the X chromosome markers hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (Hprt) and Tabby (Ta). Three of the probes map to the region between the centromere and Hprt, and two distal to Ta. Since such X‐specific sequence probes detect RFLPs between M. spretus and M. musculus domesticus DNAs with high frequency, a large panel of well localised probes should soon be available for studies of biological problems associated with the X chromosome which can best be approached using the murine species.