Mitochondrial function in Parkinson's disease

There is increasing evidence for a defect of mitochondrial respiratory chain function in Parkinson's disease. Specific NADH CoQ1 reductase (complex I) deficiency has been identified in the substantia nigra. Available evidence suggests that this defect is confined to the substantia nigra and is not present elsewhere in the parkinsonian brain. The absence of a detectable mitochondrial abnormality in the substantia nigra of patients with multiple system atrophy also suggests that the complex I deficiency in Parkinson's disease is not simply due to an artifact of neuronal degeneration. Evidence for abnormal mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle is conflicting; two studies showed multiple respiratory chain defects and one study was unable to demonstrate any deficiency. A severe deficiency of complex I activity has been found in platelet mitochondria from parkinsonian patients. This finding has not as yet been confirmed. Platelet homogenates do not show the complex I deficiency, however, suggesting that such a preparation may be too insensitive to detect the defect. The role of complex I deficiency in the events that culminate in dopaminergic cell death in Parkinson's disease remains unresolved. It is likely that if this mitochondrial defect is confirmed, it will be related to a number of other factors, including environmental agents, oxidative stress, and genetic predisposition.