1. A study has been made of the blood supply of the human patella. There are two main systems, one penetrating the middle third of the anterior surface and the other entering the lower pole of the bone behind the patellar ligament. 2. The relationship between these findings and the complication of avascular necrosis of the upper fragment of the patella after fracture is discussed. Forty-one cases of necrosis after operation have been studied and notes made on the pathological, clinical and radiological evolution of the condition. Whatever the severity of the ischaemic necrosis the prognosis was not substantially affected and good function was observed in all knees six months after injury. 3. The surgical implications of the vascular anatomy are discussed. It is pointed out that surgical intervention may damage the blood vessels entering the anterior surface of the bone and that circumferential repair of patellar fractures may strangle the vessels in their peripatellar course. 4. If removal of one-half of the patella after a transverse fracture is indicated, vascular studies indicate that the upper fragment should be removed.