1. The rate of oxygen consumption of individual males of Enoplus brevis and E. communis was measured at 15 °C and at each of four oxygen tensions, 135, 75, 35, and 12 Torr, after at least 12 h experience of these conditions. 2. It was clearly demonstrated that the level of oxygen consumption of both species was reduced by each lowering of the imposed oxygen tension. 3. In all cases the oxygen consumption of each species fell with increasing body size. On a unit dry-weight basis the oxygen consumption of E. brevis is greater than that of the larger E. communis, but after allowing for the difference of body size the two species have more or less similar oxygen uptakes at all oxygen tensions. 4. In E. brevis oxygen tension influenced the relationship of body size and metabolism, the slope relating oxygen consumption and body weight becomes steeper with decreasing oxygen tension. This effect was not shown by E. communis. 5. Some general factors influencing the availability of oxygen to nematodes are considered.