Electrical, magneto-, and optical conductivity of quasicrystals in the Al-Re-Pd system

Measurements of the electrical conductivity σ(T) and magnetoconductivity Δσ(H) of icosahedral Al70 Re10 Pd20 and Al70 Re8.6 Pd21.4 quasicrystals at low temperatures and in high magnetic fields H are reported. Below 0.2nK, σ of Al70 Re10 Pd20 varies as σ(T)=σ0+aT1/2 with σ0=30 Ω1 cm1 and a<0. The conductivity decreases with increasing magnetic field. For Al70 Re8.6 Pd21.4 σ(T) decreases with decreasing T and saturates at the level σ0=1.7nΩ1 cm1 below 0.1nK. In magnetic fields up to 40 kOe, Δσ(H) is negative below 1 K and σ(T,H) remains temperature-independent at the lowest temperatures. The optical conductivity σ(ω) is obtained from reflectivity data in the frequency range between 15 and 105 cm1. The main contributions to σ(ω) are a broad absorption signal centered at about 0.1neV and a sizable peak with its maximum at 2.6neV.