Variations in Presentation Format

The early assumption that assertive behavior produces positive interpersonal consequences has been empirically tested with mixed results. and the conclusions reported from different laboratories are often conflicting. These discrepancies may result from different stimulus presentation methods that have been used across studies. The present study evaluated whether different stimulus presentation formats (ty ped vignettes, audiotapes. or videotapes) produce differentials in obserx ers' perceptions of assertive and unassertive behaxvior. A total of 264 subjects completed the lnterpersonal Attraction Inventory after being exposed to assertive or unassertive models in commendatorv or ref'usal situations presented by typewritten signette, audiotape, or videotape. Results indicated different presentation formats produce significantly different interpersonal evaluations (p < 0.001). As expected. significant main effect differences were also revealed for situational context (p < 0.001) and behavioral style (p < 0.001), and a significant two-way interaction wsas obtained for situational context x behavioral style (p < 0.001). Univariate analyses and post hoc comparisons revealed that models presented via videotape were consistently rated as more likable and attractive than were models presented by audiotape or typewritten formats. The results indicate that methodological variables influence observers' evaluations of different behavioral stx les and suggest that presentation formats that provide multiple sensory cues result in more favorable ratings. However, the findings suggest that the different methodologies produce a consistent bias. which does not alter the pattern of results in relation to the contextual variables of primary interest.