Synthetic Strands of Neonatal Mouse Cardiac Myocytes

—The aim of the present study was to morphologically and electrically characterize synthetic strands of mouse ventricular myocytes. Linear strands of mouse ventricular myocytes with widths of 34.7±4.4 μm (W1), 57.9±2.5 μm (W2), and 86.4±3.6 μm (W3) and a length of 10 mm were produced on glass coverslips with a photolithographic technique. Action potentials (APs) were measured from individual cells within the strands with cell-attached microelectrodes. Impulse propagation and AP upstrokes were measured with multisite optical mapping (RH237). Immunostaining was performed to assess cell-cell connections and myofibril arrangement with polyclonal antisera against connexin43 and N-cadherins and monoclonal antibodies against cardiac myosin. Light microscopy and myosin staining showed dense growth of well-developed elongated myocytes with lengths of 34.2±4.2 μm (W1), 36.9±5.8 μm (W2), and 43.7±6.9 μm (W3), and length/width ratios of 3.9±0.2. Gap junctions were distributed around the cell borders (3 to 4 junctions/μm2 cell area). Each cell was connected by gap junctions to 6.5±1.1 neighboring cells. AP duration shortened with time in culture (action potential duration at 50% repolarization: day 4, 103±34 ms; day 8, 16±3 ms; Pmax. This technique will permit the study of propagation, AP, and structure-function relations at cellular resolution in genetically modified mice.